Google recently bought software companies face recognitiontechnology, Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition (PittPatt), according to a statement from the company's internet secret on its website.
"Joining with Google is a good step of the journey that started from the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in the late '90s,until finally the launch PittPatt in
2004," wrote the PittPatt on its website.
"We have worked hard for this technology. On Google there arealready many excellent products such as Image Search, YouTube,Picasa, and others, which allows matching with the technology wedevelop this," he added.
Previously Google had been reported to be exploring the possibility of adding facial recognition technology on the products of their output, but was suspended due to issues of privacy violations. In March, the giant Internet companies say they will not issue a face detection technology in mobile applications, due to strict privacyrules in it.
But in May, Eric Schmidt had said that Google will not use facial recognition technology.
"The team from Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition has developedinnovative technologies in the areas of pattern recognition. We think the research and technology they are able to benefit many of our users in many ways, and we also want to cooperate with them,"Google said on its website regarding the purchase.
Unfortunately, not announced how much the PittPatt purchase made by Google.