is the No.1 social network in Indonesia that users have more than 175 million worldwide, and is the sequence of the 3 sites are most often opened by Internet users in Indonesia. One of the problems of social networks is the lack of privacy we are in the move there. Probably because of something you want to restrict certain things only for some classes of people. Or you troubled by someone who continues to haunt your facebook (Rich wrote devil), for example ex-girlfriend, secret admire (dark fans), spammers who continue membayangin your facebook profile. Always monitor your facebook and do not want to lose a piece of information that happens to you on facebook.
If ga pengen read my preamble (directly to the way), please scroll down the page till the red writing
As a result we as owners are not comfortable wearing and facebook using facebook to communicate with other friends. And just because a handful of people who are offending you leave facebook and cut communications to the many friends on facebook.
Facebook is fantastic in the provision of various facilities and features to our users, including the issue of privacy. That way, if you include people who have problems like the above problems, please try the way that I will present now. Here's a story related to this issue.
a beautiful woman and act friendly to their friends or people who have not he know. For some reason every so often add facebooknya in by people who do not clear origins. From a motorcycle up to a big company CEO is excited to be his friend. Not even know let alone meet directly. Naturally he was disturbed because of this problem, because before this he had to approve people who are not known and berkibat facebook profile filled with vague phrases like seduction love rags that may be copy-paste from this blog article
Because it almost never want to close acccountnya on facebook, but he's lucky friend named processing, cooking (processing, cooking is not my friend) that tells how to block certain people to restrict them in various ways. the following way:
1. Select Settings> Privacy Settings or click here
2. Bottom there is a box and please enter name
people who will be blocked (which already can be
friends / not friends)
3. Select the person in question and click the block button
After doing this so people who are blocked will never find the Goddess on facebook unless he replace / create new facebook. Take it easy this applies to certain people who we choose to block, so if there are people named the same they would not participate blocked.