Setting loadbalancing 8 modem in Mikrotik, 8 Special Modem Modem Browsing and 1 Special Games and Redirect to External Proxy (P2)

Now we move on ......

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-packet \
chain = forward layer7-disabled = no protocol = ISO \
new-packet-mark = 3GP passthrough = no

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-packet \
chain = forward layer7-disabled = no protocol = 7z \
new-packet-mark = 7z passthrough = no

Furthermore ip firewall mangle for online games, the command:

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-connection \
chain = prerouting comment = "GAME ONLINE" \
disabled = no dst-port = \
1818,2001,3010,4300,5105,5121,5126,5171,5340-5352,6000-6152,7777 \
in-interface = local new-connection-mark = "GAME ONLINE" \
passthrough = yes protocol = tcp

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-connection \
chain = prerouting disabled = no dst-port = 7341-7350,7451,8085,9600,9601-9602,9300 \
in-interface = local new-connection-mark = "GAME ONLINE" \
passthrough = yes protocol = tcp

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-connection \
chain = prerouting disabled = no dst-port = 9376-9377,9400,9700,10001-10011 \
in-interface = local new-connection-mark = "GAME ONLINE" \
passthrough = yes protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-connection \
chain = prerouting disabled = no dst-port = "10402.11011 - \
11041,12011,12110,13008,13413 "in-interface = local \
new-connection-mark = "GAME ONLINE" \
passthrough = yes protocol = tcp

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-connection \
chain = prerouting disabled = no dst-port = "15000-15002,16402-16502,16666,18901-18909,19000" \
in-interface = local new-connection-mark = "GAME ONLINE" \
passthrough = yes protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-connection \
chain = prerouting disabled = no \
dst-port = 19101,22100,27780,28012,29000,29200 \
in-interface = local \
new-connection-mark = "GAME ONLINE" \
passthrough = yes protocol = tcp

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-connection \
chain = prerouting disabled = no \
dst-port = 39100,39110,39220,39190,40000,49100 in-interface = local \
new-connection-mark = "GAME ONLINE" \
passthrough = yes protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-connection \
chain = prerouting disabled = no \
dst-port = "1293,1479,6100-6152,7777-7977,8001" in-interface = local \
new-connection-mark = "GAME ONLINE" \
passthrough = yes protocol = udp

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-connection \
chain = prerouting disabled = no \
dst-port = "9401,9600-9602,12020-12080,30000,40000-40010" \
in-interface = local new-connection-mark = "GAME ONLINE" \
passthrough = yes protocol = udp
/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-connection \
chain = prerouting disabled = no dst-port = 42051-42052,11100-11125,11440-11460 in-interface = local new-connection-mark = "GAME ONLINE" \
passthrough = yes protocol = udp

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-packet \
chain = forward connection-mark = "GAME ONLINE" \
disabled = no dst-address = \
new-packet-mark = "ONLINE GAME DOWN" \
passthrough = no

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-packet \
chain = forward connection-mark = "GAME ONLINE" \
disabled = no in-interface = local new-packet-mark = "ONLINE GAME UP" passthrough = no src-address =

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-connection \
chain = prerouting comment = "FACEBOOK GAME" \
disabled = no dst-port = 9339.843 in-interface = local \
new-connection-mark = "FACEBOOK GAME" \
passthrough = yes protocol = tcp

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-packet \
chain = forward connection-mark = "FACEBOOK GAME" \
disabled = no dst-address = new-packet-mark = \
"FACEBOOK GAME DOWN" passthrough = no

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-packet \
chain = forward connection-mark = "FACEBOOK GAME" \
disabled = no new-packet-mark = "FACEBOOK GAME UP" \
passthrough = no src-address =

Furthermore ip firewall mangle to browse and download and upload mivo tv which later in the queue tree limit, the command:

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-connection \
chain = prerouting comment = BROWSING disabled = no \
dst-port = 80 in-interface = local \
new-connection-mark = BROWSING passthrough = \
yes protocol = tcp

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-packet \
chain = prerouting connection-mark = BROWSING disabled = no \
dst-address = \
new-packet-mark = "BROWSING DOWN" passthrough = no

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-packet \
chain = prerouting connection-mark = BROWSING disabled = no \
new-packet-mark = "UP BROWSING" \
passthrough = no src-address =

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-connection \
chain = prerouting comment = "MIVO TV" disabled = no \
dst-port = 1935 in-interface = local new-connection-mark = "MIVO TV" \
passthrough = no protocol = tcp

/ Ip firewall mangle add action = mark-packet \
chain = prerouting connection-mark = MIVO disabled = no \
new-packet-mark = MIVO passthrough = no

Furthermore ip firewall filter for our mikrotik security from viruses and anti netcut port, the command:

/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept \
chain = input disabled = no dst-port = 8291 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = forward connection-state = invalid disabled = no
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 135-139 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 1433-1434 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 445 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 445 protocol = udp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 593 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 1024-1030 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 1080 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 1214 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 1363 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 1364 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 1368 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 1373 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 1377 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 2745 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 2283 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 2535 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 2745 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 3127 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 3410 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 4444 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 4444 protocol = udp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 5554 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 8866 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 9898 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 10080 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 12345 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 17300 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 27374 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = virus disabled = no dst-port = 65506 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = jump \
chain = forward disabled = no jump-target = virus
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = input connection-state = invalid disabled = no
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept \
chain = input disabled = no protocol = udp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept \
chain = input disabled = no limit = 50/5s, 2 protocol = icmp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = drop \
chain = input disabled = no protocol = icmp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept \
chain = input disabled = no dst-port = 21 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept \
chain = input disabled = no dst-port = 22 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept \
chain = input disabled = no dst-port = 23 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept \
chain = input disabled = no dst-port = 80 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept \
chain = input disabled = no dst-port = 8291 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept \
chain = input disabled = no dst-port = 1723 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = log \
chain = input disabled = yes log-prefix = "DROP INPUT"
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept \
chain = input disabled = no dst-port = 23 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept \
chain = input disabled = no dst-port = 80 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept \
chain = input disabled = no dst-port = 1723 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = log \
chain = input disabled = yes log-prefix = "DROP INPUT"
/ Ip firewall filter add action = add-src-to-address-list \
DDOS = address-list address-list-timeout = 15s
/ Ip firewall filter chain = input \
disabled = no dst-port = 1337 protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = add-src-to-address-list \
DDOS = address-list address-list-timeout = 15m \
/ Ip firewall filter chain = input disabled = no \
dst-port = 7331 protocol = tcp src-address-list = knock
/ Ip firewall filter add action = add-src-to-address-list \
address-list = "port scanners" address-list-timeout = 2w \
chain = input comment = "Port scanners to list" \
disabled = no protocol = tcp psd = 21.3 s, 3.1
/ Ip firewall filter add action = add-src-to-address-list \
address-list = "port scanners" address-list-timeout = 2w \
chain = input comment = "SYN / FIN scan" disabled = no \
protocol = tcp tcp-flags = fin, syn
/ Ip firewall filter add action = add-src-to-address-list \
address-list = "port scanners" address-list-timeout = 2w \
chain = input comment = "SYN / RST scan" disabled = no \
protocol = tcp tcp-flags = syn, rst
/ Ip firewall filter add action = add-src-to-address-list \
address-list = "port scanners" address-list-timeout = 2w \
chain = input comment = "FIN / PSH / URG scan" disabled = \
no protocol = tcp tcp-flags = FIN, PSH, URG,! syn,! rst,! ack
/ Ip firewall filter add action = add-src-to-address-list \
address-list = "port scanners" address-list-timeout = 2w \
chain = input comment = "ALL / ALL scan" disabled = no \
protocol = tcp tcp-flags = fin, syn, rst, PSH, ack, URG
/ Ip firewall filter add action = add-src-to-address-list \
address-list = "port scanners" address-list-timeout = 2w \
chain = input comment = "NMAP NULL scan" disabled = no \
protocol = tcp tcp-flags =! fin,! syn,! rst,! PSH,! ack,! URG
/ Ip firewall filter add action = add-src-to-address-list \
address-list = "port scanners" address-list-timeout = 2w \
chain = input comment = "NMAP FIN Stealth scan" \
disabled = no protocol = tcp
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept chain = input \
comment = "ANTI Netcut" disabled = no dst-port = \
0-65535 protocol = tcp src-address =
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept chain = input \
comment = "ANTI Netcut" disabled = no dst-port = \
0-65535 protocol = tcp src-address =
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept chain = input \
comment = "ANTI Netcut" disabled = no dst-port = \
0-65535 protocol = tcp src-address =
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept chain = input \
comment = "ANTI Netcut" disabled = no dst-port = \
0-65535 protocol = tcp src-address =
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept chain = input \
comment = "ANTI Netcut" disabled = no dst-port = \
0-65535 protocol = tcp src-address =
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept chain = input \
comment = "ANTI Netcut" disabled = no dst-port = \
0-65535 protocol = tcp src-address =
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept chain = input \
comment = "ANTI Netcut" disabled = no dst-port = \
0-65535 protocol = tcp src-address =
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept chain = input \
comment = "ANTI Netcut" disabled = no dst-port = \
0-65535 protocol = tcp src-address =
/ Ip firewall filter add action = accept chain = input \
comment = "ANTI Netcut" disabled = no dst-port = \
0-65535 protocol = tcp src-address =

Next Queue type, because we are using queue tree first we made the queue typenya with pcq, the command:

/ Queue type add kind = pcq name = "PROXY DOWN" \
pcq-burst-rate = 0 pcq-burst-threshold = 0 \
pcq-burst-time = 10s pcq-classifier = dst-address \
pcq-dst-address-mask-dst = 32-address6 pcq-mask = 128 \
pcq-limit = 50 pcq-rate = 0 pcq-src-address-mask = 32 \
pcq-src-address6-mask = 128 pcq-total-limit = 2000

/ Queue type add name = kind = pcq DOWN \
pcq-burst-rate = 0 pcq-burst-threshold = 0 \
pcq-burst-time = 2s pcq-classifier = dst-address, dst-port \
pcq-dst-address-mask-dst = 32-address6 pcq-mask = 64 \
pcq-limit = 50 pcq-rate = 0 pcq-src-address-mask = 32 \
pcq-src-address6-mask = 64 pcq-total-limit = 2000

/ Queue type add name = kind = pcq UP \
pcq-burst-rate = 0 pcq-burst-threshold = 0 pcq-burst-time = \
10s pcq-classifier = src-address, dst-address, src-port \
pcq-dst-address-mask-dst = 32-address6 pcq-mask = 64 \
pcq-limit = 50 pcq-rate = 0 pcq-src-address-mask = \
32-address6 pcq-src-mask = 64 pcq-total-limit = 2000 \
set default-small kind = pfifo name = default-small pfifo-limit = 10

Next Queue tree.untuk max limit please adjust your bandwidth capacity and needs of each.
A. Proxy Hit with the command:

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = "A.. PROXY HIT" \
packet-mark = "SQUID PROXY HIT" parent = \
local priority = 1 queue = "PROXY DOWN"

B. Upload Games with the command:

/ Queue tree add add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = "B. GAME UP" \
parent = public priority = 1

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = "FACEBOOK GAME." \
packet-mark = "FACEBOOK GAME UP" parent = \
"B. GAME UP" priority = 3 queue = UP

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = "ONLINE GAME." \
packet-mark = "ONLINE GAME UP" parent = \
"B. GAME UP" priority = 2 queue = UP

Browsing C. Upload

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 128k name = Up parent C. proxy = priority = 1

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = BROWSING. packet-mark = "UP BROWSING" \
parent = C. UP priority = 2 queue = UP

D. Download the command:

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = D DOWN parent = global-out priority = 1

D.1.Download facebook games, the command:

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 256k name = "GAME 1" parent = D. DOWN priority = 3

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = "FACEBOOK GAME" \
packet-mark = "FACEBOOK GAME DOWN" parent = \
"GAME 1" priority = 3 queue = DOWN

D.2.Download online games, the command:

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = "GAME 2" parent = D. DOWN priority = 2

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = "GAME ONLINE" \
packet-mark = "ONLINE GAME DOWN" parent = \
"GAME 2" priority = 2 queue = DOWN

D.3.Download browsing, the command:

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = parent = D. DOWN BROWSING priority = 4

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = "BROWSING ..." \
packet-mark = "BROWSING DOWN" parent = \
BROWSING priority = 4 queue = DOWN

D.4.Download files like exe, zip, rar, youtube streaming etc, the command:

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = "LIMIT extention" \
parent = D. DOWN priority = 5

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = YOUTUBE \
packet-mark = YOUTUBE parent = "LIMIT extention" \
priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = "STREAMING YOUTUBE" \
packet-mark = "STREAMING YOUTUBE" \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = MKV MKV packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = MP3 MP3 packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = MP4 MP4 packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = "ZIP PACKAGE" packet-mark = ZIP \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = EXE EXE packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = FLV FLV packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = ISO ISO packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = ASF ASF packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = AVI AVI packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = packet-mark = BIN BIN \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = CAB CAB packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = DAA DAA packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = MOV MOV packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = MPEG MPEG packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = MPG MPG packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = MR MR packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = NRG NRG packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = RAM RAM packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = RAR RAR packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = RMVB RMVB packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = VCD VCD packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = WAV WAV packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = WMV WMV packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = 3GP 3GP packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add burst-limit = 0 burst-threshold = 0 \
burst-time = 0s disabled = no limit-at = 0 \
max-limit = 0 name = 7z 7z packet-mark = \
parent = "LIMIT extention" priority = 5 queue = DOWN

/ Queue tree add name = "MIVO TV" \
LIMIT extention parent = packet-mark = MIVO \
limit-at = 0 queue = DOWN \
priority = 6 max-limit = 0 burst-limit = 0 \
burst-threshold = 0 burst-time = 0s

Next on the main page select the queues and queues Winbox tree and setting the limit at max limit and bandwidth, adjust your bandwidth each, as shown below:

Good luck ...