Characteristics DSL

DSL service is a broadband internet access service using the cable that was held to a customer. Thus DSL enabled to add value added cable telephone subscribers and the cable network optimization. Examples of DSL operators who have been held in Indonesia are PT Telkom. The product called SPEEDY.

DSL is intended to serve the needs of customers to access broadband Internet services that are fixed. So with these conditions the customer is assumed to not move and only access from home or the office that had been installed a DSL modem.

Network (configuration) of existing DSL can be seen as attached:
Figure 1. DSL Configuration

With the picture above, the DSL device is divided into two: DSLAM is placed on the center (carrier) and a DSL modem located at a customer site. As it is known that the use of a DSL one of which is to optimize the cable networks are already deployed to customers. The operators eg the utilization of Telkom DSL is very beneficial because the residence utilizing the existing cable network.

However there are several obstacles that must be considered by potential operators DSL as follows:

- The limited distance, based on experience in the field and literature studies it is recommended distance between the customer (the remote DSL modem) with the operator (positions DSLAM) located at about 5 km. The more distant or the longer the cable the better will be the lower data rate that can be given. The following table illustrates the idea (the relationship) between distance and data rate that can be supported.

Table 1. ADSL speed characteristics of the distance (source ZTE)
- The quality of cable, cable network Given the long-held (tens of years), it will automatically degrade the quality of the cable network. Thus, the speed of data that can be given will be proportional to its quality. Therefore it is necessary to check the quality of the cable network before intalasi / DSL installation at customer service.

- Effective use of the DSL modem is quite effective if it fulfills several conditions as follows:

· cable has been unfolded to the customer

· Wiring / cable length in accordance with the specifications for a particular channel data rate

· Cables in good condition so it does not require rekondisioning or rejuvenation / replacement

· device used has been compatible

- voice and data traffic, when using DSL then be channeled voice services (circuit base) and data (packet) collectively. Thus customers can use to communicate / internet access while on the phone though. This is possible because the use of different frequency between voice and data lines.

Characteristics WiMAX

Better known as WiMAX 802.16 standard that can transfer data at speeds of about 70MBps within a radius distance of about 30-50 km to provide broadband access to hundreds of customers from the base station. Based on the author's experience, then WiMAX can reach a distance of 32 km.

In general configuration of WiMAX is divided into 3 parts: the subscriber station, base station and the transport site. For subscriber stations located in the customer environment (can be fixed or mobile / portable). While the base station is usually a single location with a network operator (network IP / Internet network or TDM / PSTN). To clarify the intended configuration, then the following picture (Figure 2) is a generic configuration of WiMAX.
Gambar 2. Konfigurasi Generik WiMAX

- Open standard, one of the advantages of WiMAX is an open standard. So that both vendors, customers and operators do not have to mess around anymore because it can use any brand (not depending on any one brand.)

- The speed of installation, other advantages, WiMAX is the speed of installation. For customers with outdoor antenna installations take less than an hour. Compare having to hold the network cable and DSL modems

- The problem of regulation, the public seems to be patient to take advantage of WiMAX. This is due to the lack of government regulation, especially concerning the issue of frequency. For the frequency of 3.5 GHz WiMAX is still berbenturran by satellite while the 2.5 GHz frequency interference with microwave and cable TV.

- High speed, WiMAX is able to deliver data speeds up to 75 Mbps with wide spaces that are used by 20 MHz

- Flexible, WiMAX is not only for fixed subscribers as DSL subscribers, but can also to serve nomadic and mobile subscribers.

- Investment, along with the maturity of WiMAX products that promise so many vendors will lower prices WiMAX investment. Even the next stage will be produced embedded WiMAX (united like WiFi on notebook centrino) with notebooks, PDAs and even mobile phones.

- No hanging wires, the other with DSL which requires a cable network, the WiMAX does not depend on the cable infrastructure available. Thus the more flexible use WiMAX to provide broadband access services to the rural areas or locations that are not or difficult when using a wired network.
Figure 3. Applications WiMAX (Fixed and Portable / Mobile)


When a few years ago whose name was synonymous with telephone service telecommunications (voice). However, in line with developments in technology and customer needs, then it leads to a broadband data service. Even the recent growth of data traffic has increased significantly. Besides supported by the increasingly widespread use of internet, many companies and individuals who perform business processes and transactions online