At installation time this happens a few problems, when the connection check connection was not fully running smoothly, and generated a very big loss or did not meet the standards recommended loss of RX sensitivity was between - 22 s / d - 24 dB, at time of the calculation turns out that dihasikan loss is - 38 dB, after the team to start troubleshooting this problem from the cable construction is there any bending or a broken cable, use proper attenuator, after some action it was apparent that the resulting loss was still large. Installation team had to replace or to re-splice the patch cord, because it is assumed the splicingnya less than the maximum, it turns out that action also does not alter the loss calculation results are recommended.
After re-checking team in the OTB was the source of the problem is found that FC connectors that enter one of the ports in the OTB is not plugged properly, the inner of the connector was not entered correctly. This is what was causing the resulting loss is not in accordance with the recommendation.
Of problems during installation this time a few conclusions can be drawn that the same thing does not happen again, to minimize the occurrence of these problems, the team concluded how many of these would include:
Make sure the fiber cable used in clean and not broken or damaged.
At the time of loss resulting splicing ensure minimum.
Or reach the recommended RX sensitivity of -22 s / d
- 24 dB.
At the time of entering into one port connector on the OTB confirm his inner entrance precisely. (If this is not well studied it at the time of measurement with power meter, then the loss generated will be large).
At the time of measurement with power meter make sure to use the same wavelength.
If there is a problem, then check some information under this configuration are:
Failure of ONU to range
Dirty Fiber
Signal degradation
Fiber cable is too long
Damaged fiber cable
Bad connections / fiber plant components
Laser / receiver is not working ONU ID # conflict
Permanent loss of frame / pattern in the TDM
Configuring the wrong cable
Ports / Channels / Board is not active
Unable to telnet to the SCC management port (in OLT) Incorrect configuration of IP parameters SCC. No IP traffic
VLAN membership is wrong
After re-checking team in the OTB was the source of the problem is found that FC connectors that enter one of the ports in the OTB is not plugged properly, the inner of the connector was not entered correctly. This is what was causing the resulting loss is not in accordance with the recommendation.
Of problems during installation this time a few conclusions can be drawn that the same thing does not happen again, to minimize the occurrence of these problems, the team concluded how many of these would include:
Make sure the fiber cable used in clean and not broken or damaged.
At the time of loss resulting splicing ensure minimum.
Or reach the recommended RX sensitivity of -22 s / d
- 24 dB.
At the time of entering into one port connector on the OTB confirm his inner entrance precisely. (If this is not well studied it at the time of measurement with power meter, then the loss generated will be large).
At the time of measurement with power meter make sure to use the same wavelength.
If there is a problem, then check some information under this configuration are:
Failure of ONU to range
Dirty Fiber
Signal degradation
Fiber cable is too long
Damaged fiber cable
Bad connections / fiber plant components
Laser / receiver is not working ONU ID # conflict
Permanent loss of frame / pattern in the TDM
Configuring the wrong cable
Ports / Channels / Board is not active
Unable to telnet to the SCC management port (in OLT) Incorrect configuration of IP parameters SCC. No IP traffic
VLAN membership is wrong