Added from the internet has had a great influence in a network in recent years. The popularity of the network along with the increasing demand for multimedia over the Internet has required a network to deliver more bandwidth to the user with a more reliable connection. Bandwidth will be a small source of income in the future, new services will emerge, and most people will change from the use of conventional equipment in relation to the network communication in.Fiber technology is a media that is no doubt to provide large bandwidth, electromagnetic wave interference is not affected, free of corrosion and provide a minimal loss of data transport. Right now most of the backbone network has been constructed with fiber optics but the last link to the home seems impossible for the fiber. The main reason for this is not yet ripe multimedia effort to ensure that reality requires a thirst for bandwidth. Another reason is that fiber installation appears to be a costly business that can not be replaced.Once the installation of FTTH technology will expand the multimedia industry, for then FTTH will be possible to deliver multimedia services such as HDTV, download music and video. This will have a major impact in the world economy and will see new forms emerging from the business world in the technology sector. Also, network operators will generate new profits to increase the transfer of data, and can cover the installation cost of FTTH networks.HistoryIn 1970 - an, telephone and cable TV companies will realize the benefits of replacing metallic cables with fiber. Undeveloped due to fiber optic technology karenya cost to build fiber optic networks are very high. But to switch to fiber optics, telephone and cable TV companies investing in Fiber To The Curb (FTTC) and Hybrid Fiber / Coax (HFC), which as a strategy for using technology in fiber optic trunk lines, but using conventional technology in connecting users to networks using metallic cables. With this strategy of telephone companies and cable TV costs konstruksikan a network of fiber optic distributed escorted by many users. At this time very well - was considered not beneficial to switch to Fiber To The Home (FTTH), fiber optic networks are able to provide benefits - the benefits of fiber to the user.FTTH and FTTCTelephone and cable TV operators decide to take advantage of the fiber in the network. But the relationship is terminated optical fiber close to the house and twisted pairs or koaxial cable is used to get to the house. In the FTTC architecture multiplexed optical signal in the area near a group home - a house, rows of about 4 to 24, and the last connection to the house - the house, which - average about 30 yards, carried out with copper telephone wires. To increase the capacity of the network to provide video service, FTTC network updated with the addition of twisted pair or cable installation koaxial (Figure 1). As a FTTC network is fully digital, the signal is converted to analog. Conversion from digital to analog users taken on the basis of thought using a small set top box.Figure 1Figure 1. Typical FTTC network, subscriber drop using copper twisted pairs and cables koaxialThe company - the cable company has a hybrid architecture of fiber / coax (HFC) as their architecture. In this network type analog signals carried in optical fiber network to a node. The node is located about one to two kilometers from a group of customers. To link from the node to the user is required koaxial cable. Characteristics of koaxial cable amplifiers used to drive an analog signal. HFC is a relatively inexpensive way to transmit analog video in one direction.When FTTC and HFC technologies combined formed a new network type, called Switch Digital Video (SDV). Because the FTTC network is optical, electrical and can not be drained is the power to separate networks. With the installation of the cable HFC network koaxial along the side of the FTTC network, then the problem of network strength FTTC solved. Now the network to distribute analog video koaxial one direction and simultaneously power on FTTC optical network. FTTC network architecture used in SDV to deliver two-way telecommunications services and digital video.Fiber To The Home (FTTH) is a fully optical network from the provider to the user. Multiplex of optical signals carried to the splitter in a group close to the user. There is an optical splitter with a different ratio, but its typical use ratio of 1:16. This means that multiplex signal is divided into 16 houses different. Since the optical signal is converted into electrical signals at the user, Optical Network Unit (ONU) must be installed by the end of the network. Since ONU expensive, it is suggested that an ONU is distributed to multiple users. Figure 2 suggests what exactly the FTTH access network. ONU is equivalent to optical network interface.Figure 2Figure 2 Typical FTTH network, the customer is fully menggukanan drop optical fiberFascination FTTHThe development of fiber optic technology is now starting to decrease costs. This development comes from the loop laser, a solution for the video channel, and passive network topology. New forms of services require high speed access and broad bandwidth, which is a device for the new network criteria. These developments make FTTH more attractive, which FTTH is known capable of transmitting high bandwidth with a small loss.One of the major telecommunications companies in the world of NTT of Japan has become the organizers of FTTH technology. In 1990 NTT driven by companies like AT & T, Fujitsu, Hitachi and others to begin the development of systems needed for FTTH networks. Now along with the company BellSouth Telecommunications America, NTT was forced to join the R & D to develop FTTH technology to a higher stage.Electric strength is always a major problem and is often shown as a weakness of FTTH. FTTC power is carried through parallel copper network (to strengthen the switching unit, laser and optical network unit). But for FTTH is a small loss since power is a key competitive advantage. This problem has been solved now with the developments in battery which optical network unit of the user can be charge with an electric. When low power consumption, the diesel fuel serves to assist. By getting the power in this place, minus the total cost for installation of equipment.CostAt first the criteria of low cost is a barrier to FTTH, but recent studies begin to talk about FTTH. For now the cost of FTTH has been considered carefully. In the 1980s the cost of installation of each customer to FTTH U.S. $ 3000 and for nearly half of FTTC, FTTH is almost lost. In accordance with a study by Bellcore in the early 1996 gap of the installation costs for each customer has shrunk to $ 230 on narrowband access network and $ 480 at broadband access. In accordance with similar studies of diminishing gap but almost impossible to decrease continuously. Two major cost component is an electronic device (40%) and workers (30%).Now has made a broadband access network installation costs are focused on operational costs. Operational costs include electrical power sources from the network, high cost and expensive maintenance of connecting and disconnecting service. Power consumption of the optical network is considered smaller than coaxial and twisted pairs. The maintenance cost is very small since all the plastic tissue free of corrosion which can occur in metallic cables. Bellcore simulate maintenance cost savings of FTTH compared with FTTC and HFC through a period of 20 years.Type the cost of 20-year cost savingsElectric power> $ 200Maintenance Metallic> $ 200Other Maintenance ~ $ 100Equipment service ~ $ 50Table 1. Operating cost savings per subscriber of FTTH compared with FTTC or HFC during the period of 20 years (source: maintenance cost FTTH become an attractive option to other broadband access networks in a particular area. In an area where houses are far apart, network maintenance is an important factor. Interesting case of a subject can be obtained in the USA, which operates local telephone companies in rural areas who entered the study on the possibility of using FTTH technology to replace copper wire that was 30 years old. These phone companies have had estimates that require $ 3,000 per customer for a change, the copper with a new cable to deploy fiber to the home. The company has tried to reduce the installation cost of FTTH to $ 5000 per user. Operational costs in this case beneficial.DevelopmentAt this time HFCs remains the lowest cost option until needed reforms are important. In other words the services available now does not require a large capacity are available in FTTH. Viewed from a different way, services that require high performance has not been raised. For service as a core business in voice, data and interactive video / multimedia services, delivering FTTH will shape the market and new business.A technology will require a larger capacity than the current network structure that can provide digital video. Right now digital video can be compressed into only require 1.5 to 6 Mbps (in accordance with the quality of the image) and the development of HDTV (High Definition Television) compress minimized so that the bit rate to 20 Mbps for HDTV. Digital video will require FTTH technology to support high bandwidth. Developments in micro technology can also lower the cost of digital video decompressor chip making more good in the user. And increasing needs in the next 10 to 15 years, FTTH is the best and perhaps only one technology that is developed to provide a high transfer rate of 155.52 Mbps resemble standard as STM-1. FTTH is also offered the best solution in terms of financing.CoverWhat should be the strategy of optics and telecommunications? Can be considered now we are in a transition phase where the market begins to understand the competition from fiber optics, in a performance. But why FTTH is not growing? Because the network operators do not see FTTH as a good investment. What can be done in a business enterprise? In the article 'What's Happening with Fiber To The Home', Paul Shumate suggest that the optical and telecommunications should try to get out of phase transition. He also stated that operators should be pushed forward for investment in FTTH to provide the infrastructure of the development of new services. Optics maker must introduce the performance of the HFC and FTTC with low-cost technologies such as new optical passive components. Strategies to deploy FTTH is very important. No need to develop FTTH to reach every home and company but the customers that have the potential and the like.
DATA COMMUNICATIONKomunaksi dataUnderstanding Data Communications is closely related to data transmission using electronic transmission system one computer terminal to another computer terminal. The data referred to here is the electromagnetic signals generated by the source data can be captured and sent to the receiver terminals. The definition of the terminal is a data terminal equipment such as disk drives, printers, monitors, keyboards, scanners, plotters and so forth.Equipment required in offline communication systems, among others:1. Terminal    Terminal is an I / O device that is used to send data and receive data remotely using telecommunications

    facilities. This terminal equipment variety, such as magnetic tape units, disk drives, paper tape, and others.2. Lines of communication    Lines of communication are often used telecommunications facilities, such as: telephone, telegraph, telex,
    and can also with other facilities.3. Modem    Model stands for modulator / demodulator. A device that transfers data from a digital code system into the
    analog code system and vice versa.

Network TopologyNetwork Topology is a way to connect computers or terminals in a network. Models of the existing network topology include: Star, Loop, Ring and Bus.Star TopologyIn this topology consists of a cntral LAN node that functions as regulator and guarantor of Java information flow in a network communication. So if one node wants to communicate with other nodes then have to go through the central node. The function of the central node is very important here, usually in this system must have high reliability.Bus TopologyOn this bus topology, a single node with other nodes associated with the data path or bus. All nodes have equal status with each other.Loop TopologyThis loop topology connecting node between serially in the form of a closed circle. All nodes have the same status.In this loop topology, each node can perform tasks for different operations. This topology has a weakness, if one node is damaged it will dapt cause disruption of communication between nodes to one another.Ring TopologyRing topology or ring topology is a topological result of a merger between the loop topology with bus topology. The advantage is that if one node is damaged, it will not interrupt the communication between the nodes because the nodes are placed separately from the said defective data point.PROTOCOLProtocol used to process data communication from the systems that is different. Protocol is a set of rules that define some functions such as creating a relationship, a file transfer process, and solve specific problems related to data communication between the means of communication so that communication can be run and done properly.Some matters relating to the duties of the protocol include:1. Enabling direct data communication lines, and the system should inform the identity of the source system to \  
the desired goals of communication networks.2. Source system must be able to ensure that the system goals have actually been ready to receive data.3. File transfer application on the source system must be able to ensure that the file management program on
    the destination system is really prepared to accept  and save the file to some specific user.4. When the file formats used on both the said systems are not compatible, then one of the other systems 
     satau must mamapu do format translation functions.

Standardization of ProtocolsThe diversity of the various components and computer equipment in a network, requires a standard protocol that dapt used by various devices. Modedl OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) as a model for computer communications architecture, as well as a framework for the development of protocol standards. OSI Model consists of seven layers, namely:• Application• Presentation• Session• Transport• Network• Data Link• Physical