Overcome Problems Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Error

Have you ever experienced while engrossed in surfing all of a sudden a dialog box like this:
"Host Process for Win32 Services Error"Then how to solve this problem?In fact, if the dialog box is left closed or pressed OK, the connection we will continue to run. So do not hurry to press the OK button in the dialog box, but just hide in places that are not visible or does not cover the screen, and the connection will continue. But it usually only lasts a few moments, and the lapse of some time later, the screen will 'blink' white, and still running, but the connection is not connected.The second way is actually very easy to get a solution, ie withmbah Google search by typing in keywords "Fix Generic Host", and you'll find lots of blogs that write about this problem. Among them are such that the following will be parsed.Closing Port 445:Start Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) by clicking the Start menu, then click Run.In a small box that opens, type: regedit and click OK. Registry Editor is now open.Find the registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ NetBT \ ParametersIn the right window look for the option named TransportBindName reply.Double click the number, then delete the default value, which will be empty (blank value).Closing Port 135:

Solution (4)
     Download the Microsoft Update Patch (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/894391) and run it. "Thanx to Normal for this".
Solution (3)      Download LspFix (http://cexx.org/lspfix.htm) and follow the steps provided.
Solution (2)     Click 'Run' and type 'cmd'Write 'netsh' in command console then press enterKemduian type 'winsock' and press enter then write resetRestart your PC.
1. Then you should find the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ OLE     You will see a String Value called: EnableDCOM then Set the value to: N (Y is usually written)Close the Registry Editor. Just restart your computer.Attention:Before making changes to the registry, should be backed upfirst, because of the impact of changes in registry,such as a LAN connection is not connected, etc..
There are 4 new solutions to solve Generic Host For Win32 Error in Windows:Solution (1)Click 'Run' and type 'regedit'Click on the section:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> SYSTEM> CurrentControlSet> Services> Browser> ParametersFind out by clicking on Find keywords: IsDomainMasterand set Data = False -> Restart your PC.