Compiler Component HFC Network
Composition of HFC networks can be divided into two: the Active and Passive Device device.a. Headend is the center of the distribution system that serves as a place penggabungandan processing signals obtained
from many sources of signal. Here, the signals will experience the process of strengthening, filtering, signal
level control, merger and signal modulation process to be placed on certain frekuensicarrier. Tools include
compiler headend receiver, demodulator / decoder, modulator and combiner.
b. Combiner Configuration each system for each type of services offered by different HFC network, as well as signals received from
various sources. Configurations with different types of signals are combined with a device called a
c. Fiber Node is the termination point antarajaringan optics with coaxial network. Fiber Nod eberupa opto electronic
device that functions to convert optical signals originating from the distribution hub into electrical signals to
be transmitted to subscriber homes via coaxial cable and vice versa.
index of bias. The light will spread diinti using his finger internalreflection.Pada principles used HFC-step
type fiberoptik Singlemode index.Gambar following shows the mechanical structure of the optical fiber.
Optical fiber has a protective plastic jacket has a color identification sehinggamemudahkan cable used (to
the end-to-end). Function: Mentranmisikan signal strem Data and Analog and Digital Video Transmission of Light.
coaxial cable system serves as a liaison from the channel backbone to the customer. Coaxial cable
configuration can be seen on the image characteristics of coaxial cable cable diameter is greater the smaller
the value of the cable attenuation. For use with cable sizes and types of the same, to a high frequency will
have a greater obstacle than the use of lower frequencies. Function: Mentranmisikan Data and Video Signal Analog and Digital strem form of RF signals (electrical).
keluaranya again be distributed to homes that were nearby3.Tap amplifiers, namely amplifiers whose entire output is only being distributed to existing customers nearby.Function:The instrument befungsi two-way RF amplifier that is way the headend to the subscriber side (Forwad) and from customers to the headend (upstream).
i. Tap is a passive device is contained in the coaxial cable that serves as a point of connection with home pelanggan.Tap connected to the customer's home using coaxial drop cable. Damping characteristics, there are two types of damping that is tap loss and insertion loss. Tap loss is the amount of attenuation / loss in output that is used to connect the tap to the customer's home, while the insertion loss is besarny loss in output that is used to connect the tap.h. Directional Coupler is a passive device which functions as pencabang divace on coaxial networks, in principle have the same function with the splitter but it is unbalanced. In the directional coupler, there are two types of damping that is; tap loss and insertion loss. Tap loss, namely: the amount of output losspada used to reach places more closely, while the insertion loss is the loss on one output that is used to reach further afield.g. Splitter is a passive device that serves to divide the signal. The use of splitters due to the limited number of output and an active devices (Node and Fiber Amplifier), so that with the use of coaxial cable splitter toward deployment into the homes of subscribers may be reproduced. Some things to diperhatikan.splitter is the amount of damping (Splitter Loss), frequency response and the amount of output splitter. Splitter can be divided into two based on the insertion lossnya.Splitter balance the splitter that has the same insertion loss at each output and splitter unbalance that has insertion loss yangberbeda different for each output.Function: signal splitter with a specific reductionf. Amplifiers & LE (line exthender) divace are active devices that serves to strengthen the signal so remain at the desired power level. Amplifier parameters that must be considered in the design of coaxial networks are: Maximum Gain, Noise Figure, Signal Level Equalizer, CTB and CSO.Amplifier by function is divided into 3 parts:1.Trunk Amplifier, namely that the overall amplifier output is only used to the next amplifier2.Bridge Amplifier, the amplifier is part of his amplifiers are used to distribute the next amplifier and some e. Coaxial cable is one type of transmission medium used for transmission of high frequency electric power. In the HFC d. Fiber Optics
A single optical fiber consists of core (core) and envelope (cladding). Both are made of glass of different
Composition of HFC networks can be divided into two: the Active and Passive Device device.a. Headend is the center of the distribution system that serves as a place penggabungandan processing signals obtained
from many sources of signal. Here, the signals will experience the process of strengthening, filtering, signal
level control, merger and signal modulation process to be placed on certain frekuensicarrier. Tools include
compiler headend receiver, demodulator / decoder, modulator and combiner.
b. Combiner Configuration each system for each type of services offered by different HFC network, as well as signals received from
various sources. Configurations with different types of signals are combined with a device called a
c. Fiber Node is the termination point antarajaringan optics with coaxial network. Fiber Nod eberupa opto electronic
device that functions to convert optical signals originating from the distribution hub into electrical signals to
be transmitted to subscriber homes via coaxial cable and vice versa.
index of bias. The light will spread diinti using his finger internalreflection.Pada principles used HFC-step
type fiberoptik Singlemode index.Gambar following shows the mechanical structure of the optical fiber.
Optical fiber has a protective plastic jacket has a color identification sehinggamemudahkan cable used (to
the end-to-end). Function: Mentranmisikan signal strem Data and Analog and Digital Video Transmission of Light.
coaxial cable system serves as a liaison from the channel backbone to the customer. Coaxial cable
configuration can be seen on the image characteristics of coaxial cable cable diameter is greater the smaller
the value of the cable attenuation. For use with cable sizes and types of the same, to a high frequency will
have a greater obstacle than the use of lower frequencies. Function: Mentranmisikan Data and Video Signal Analog and Digital strem form of RF signals (electrical).
keluaranya again be distributed to homes that were nearby3.Tap amplifiers, namely amplifiers whose entire output is only being distributed to existing customers nearby.Function:The instrument befungsi two-way RF amplifier that is way the headend to the subscriber side (Forwad) and from customers to the headend (upstream).
i. Tap is a passive device is contained in the coaxial cable that serves as a point of connection with home pelanggan.Tap connected to the customer's home using coaxial drop cable. Damping characteristics, there are two types of damping that is tap loss and insertion loss. Tap loss is the amount of attenuation / loss in output that is used to connect the tap to the customer's home, while the insertion loss is besarny loss in output that is used to connect the tap.h. Directional Coupler is a passive device which functions as pencabang divace on coaxial networks, in principle have the same function with the splitter but it is unbalanced. In the directional coupler, there are two types of damping that is; tap loss and insertion loss. Tap loss, namely: the amount of output losspada used to reach places more closely, while the insertion loss is the loss on one output that is used to reach further afield.g. Splitter is a passive device that serves to divide the signal. The use of splitters due to the limited number of output and an active devices (Node and Fiber Amplifier), so that with the use of coaxial cable splitter toward deployment into the homes of subscribers may be reproduced. Some things to diperhatikan.splitter is the amount of damping (Splitter Loss), frequency response and the amount of output splitter. Splitter can be divided into two based on the insertion lossnya.Splitter balance the splitter that has the same insertion loss at each output and splitter unbalance that has insertion loss yangberbeda different for each output.Function: signal splitter with a specific reductionf. Amplifiers & LE (line exthender) divace are active devices that serves to strengthen the signal so remain at the desired power level. Amplifier parameters that must be considered in the design of coaxial networks are: Maximum Gain, Noise Figure, Signal Level Equalizer, CTB and CSO.Amplifier by function is divided into 3 parts:1.Trunk Amplifier, namely that the overall amplifier output is only used to the next amplifier2.Bridge Amplifier, the amplifier is part of his amplifiers are used to distribute the next amplifier and some e. Coaxial cable is one type of transmission medium used for transmission of high frequency electric power. In the HFC d. Fiber Optics
A single optical fiber consists of core (core) and envelope (cladding). Both are made of glass of different