HFC network is divided into three parts:
1. HeadendAt the headend the signal is received and a lot was transformed into its signal settings. Headend is divided into several sections, among others:

3. Customer side.For cable TV service. Peragkat used customer side is only a television set unless the service has to be interactive (two-way) will require an interface of the HFC network to a TV, a set top box.
d. Tap.Is a passive device is contained in koexsial with the customer's home network. Tap connected to the customer's home using a cable koexsial.
c. Amplifer. \Used to strengthen the signal to reduce signal degradation.
b. Splitter.Is a passive device which functions divide the RF signal thus having more distribution channels.
a. Fiber Optics.Useful to convert optical signals into electrical signals from the headend to the network, before entering into the cable distribution system koexsial and convert electrical signals into optical signals from the network to the headend.
2. Transmission Line.Using fiber optic and media trasmisi koexsial cable, fiber optics used in optical fiber from the headend EFD, and signals carried by cable media koexsial. Components in HFC networks are:
d. Optpelektronik.Serves to convert electrical signals into optical signals. Optoelektrik device that is two dikirinkan light for HFC and optical network receiver that allows you to convert light signals into electrical signals from the network.
c. Cambiner.Function combines the broadcast signal and data channels that have been placed on a particular carrier frequency by the modulator. After the merger is converted into electrical signals to optical signals transmitted to the fiber node using optical fiber transmission media.
b. ModulatorServes to modulate the signal into RF signals and signal composed of the signals at certain frequencies.
a. Receiver.Function to receive signals from earth stations and from satellites. In this tool is the selection of the desired channel and the signal will be forwarded to the modulator.