Most computer users in the world using the windows as the computer operating system. This is probably because windows is the OS that is familiar and easy to install and operate.
However, sometimes there are obstacles during the process of installation of windows, making it very difficult for the instalkan. Here are some causes of failure of the installation of windows on the computer.
1. Windows CD that is damaged. Cause the data
in it much that is corrupted so that was not
fit for use again.
2. System hard drive is not regular. The cause of damage is
bias caused by viruses or any other factor that you can
find the cause of damage to the hard drive. Actually
This problem can be overcome if kerusakkannya not too severe.
How hard it is to mengscan
using DOS. The trick is to use
ScanDisk command. If not successful, then you are forced to
must format it using DOS with
using the parameter c (Clean). An example command is
FORMAT C: / c. After that you just do the installation
3. Hardware problems, usually in RAM. Symptoms
occurred during the installation process, all of a sudden middle of the road process
can not proceed and ask the computer to restart. The solution
by releasing RAM that is problematic (if
you menggunkaan RAM 2 pieces or more).
Perhaps that is among the causes why the failure of windows installation process I've ever experienced. Hopefully useful. For those of you who want to add or less correct, please I wait in the comments box. Previously I haturkan thanks a lot.