Buy New Yesterday rb750 mikrotik router board to serve as a router for household net rw, pertama2 seh confused how do I koneksiinnya, why do not ya .... konek2
Finally after browsing on google uncle also see how ... Alat2 that I use: 1. ADSL Modem HUAWEI SmartAX MT882a (inherited from telecoms install a speedy time) The price is 150,000 (in speedynya buy direct) 2. Mikrotik RouterBOARD rb750 3. Wireless Access Point TP-Link TL-WA5110G
Here's how to make rt / rw net using wifi. 1.setting adsl modem to always auto dial, (when turned to a speedy direct dial) Here's how: - go into the modem, type in the web browser, then you will see a page like this then enter the username: admin password: admin (standard)
Point your cursor to the Basic menu, then click Wan Select Settings, then click the WAN Settings 1.PVC: 4 2.PVI: 8 3.PCI: 81 4.Active: Yes 5.Mode: Routing 6.Encapsulation: PPPoE 7.Multiplex: LLC 8.Service Name: Speedy 9.User Name: type the user with a full speedy • 10.Password: Type in the correct 11. PPP Autentication: AUTO 12. Default Route: Enable 13. NAT: enable 14. Click: Obtain an IP address automaticaly 15. For Connection: Select Nailed-up connection 16. TCP MSS Option: 0 bytes 17. MTU Options: type 1400 bytes 18. RIP: disable 19. IGMP Proxy: disable 20. Click Submit Point the cursor to the Tools menu then click tools at Select Reboot click On the Reboot page Reboot with: select the current setting Then click Restart Okay Then Wait up to 1 or 2 minutes modem will restart. If the modem lights are up to: Power, ADSL and Lan HUAWEI modem settings complete.