Various kinds of wireless antenna connector type that often we use in the manufacture or pengiplementasian an antenna. Here's a picture and a little explanation of some types of connectors that we often use: 1. N Connector. N-Female usually found on an antenna, splitter, booster, etc.. While N-Male usually find in a pigtail (jumper cables) to connect to the wireless radio device.

                                                                          N Connector

2. RP-SMA Connector. RP-SMA Female normally the case in wireless radio devices in general and attached to the back row of the radio body with a LAN or WAN port that serves as a liaison between the antenna with a wireless radio device. While the RP-SMA Male are common on rubber duck omni antenna (antenna built-in wireless radio) and on a pigtail cable (jumper cables).

                                                                  RP-SMA Connector 3. RP-TNC Connector. RP-TNC to function basically the same as the N-Connector. Usually RP-TNC Female on the device wireless radio brands and specific types such as Senao, linksys, etc..

RP-TNC Connector4. MC Connector. This connector is usually used / found on a laptop PCMCIA WLAN device (in the form of a paste board beside the body of the laptop). Well for those who have this wireless adapter and want to add external antenna, please change konektro pigtail RP-SMA to MC Male antenna connector is. Only MC Connector is a bit difficult in the encounter in the market.

MC ConnectorSebenarnya there are many more connectors that are often used on 2.4 GHz wireless radio devices